Monday, February 20, 2012

What is the biological hazardous wastes?

Biohazard wastes constitute a serious threat to the human, if not control or disposal instructions. Governance of bio-hazardous waste disposal laws and regulations. If you do not know it, and then read to learn more.

Biohazard waste, bio-hazardous waste. This type of waste containing infectious substances or infectious material. Affect the living beings in order to prevent these harmful substances, it is important to handle them in accordance with the guidelines, and to facilitate the identification mark.

There are various types of bio-hazardous waste, including:

Blood stock of any item

Is considered to be bio-hazardous waste, so that all the items contaminated with blood from the blood of any organism. For example, in the clinic nursing the wound with cotton biohazard waste.

Body fluids

All the body fluids, whether liquid or semi-liquid, is considered to be the biological hazardous waste. This includes all the semen, saliva, body fluids.

Microbial waste

All waste generated in the laboratory or with the virus and the specimen culture and petri dishes, or any other infectious pathogens in concentrated forms of pollution, bio-hazardous waste.

Pathological waste

Human surgery in surgical or autopsy specimens or delete organization is also considered as biological hazardous waste. However, the skin, are not considered a pathological waste.

Animal waste

Animal organ, tissue, body fluids, or carcasses suspected by a veterinarian is dangerous to human beings is another form of bio-hazardous waste.

Sharp waste

Acute rigid corners, edges or protrusions that can lead to cutting or perforation, including needles, syringes, any device pin connector pipe, razor blades and broken glass is sharp waste. Any other laboratory projects to cut or puncture, contamination of blood or other infectious materials, is also considered to be bio-hazardous waste.

Now, we know the different types of bio-hazardous waste, which is very important to us, at different levels of biological hazards and understand their own. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bio-hazardous waste can be divided into four depending on their level of risk to human health. These levels are generally known as biosafety level (BSL) Level 1 represents the lowest risk and 4 represents extreme danger.


The lowest level of bio-hazardous waste containing bacteria, commonly known as healthy adults the disease or the danger of the smallest laboratory staff. The decontamination process includes anti-bacterial soap or disinfectant wash their hands. Examples include Bacillus subtilis, canine hepatitis, E. coli, chicken pox.


BSL classification of bacteria and viruses known to cause mild disease. Examples include hepatitis A, B and C, influenza A, Lyme disease, salmonella, mumps, measles, scrapie and dengue fever and so on.


Anthrax, West Nile virus, SARS virus, tuberculosis, Rift Valley fever, yellow fever, malaria and other BSL 3 bacteria or viruses. They are known to cause the fatal human disease is serious, but they provide a vaccine or treatment.


BSL 3 and BSL 4 classes of bacteria and viruses known to cause serious human infected with the deadly disease. The only difference is that there is no known vaccine or therapy. Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, Hanta virus, Lassa fever, Bolivian, Argentine hemorrhagic fever and other bleeding disorders, 4 BSL examples.

Understand the biological hazards of the hazardous waste on human beings, it is very important, it is disposed of with care. Garbage bags of Resident Evil is one of the many governing bodies to deal with such waste in a secure manner.

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